I think that I am quite a versatile designer and that I am interested in a wide variety of subjects and areas within graphics. I am open to new ideas and I like to find new things to experience. I am looking forward to the opportunities that university can offer me to explore such things. After attending the open day at MMU, I was extremely impressed with the many facilities available for students to experiment with. I was particularly impressed with the metal typesetting facilities, which I would love to get my hands on.
During my present course I have learnt the importance of development work and good solid ideas that you can then hang your final piece upon. I believe that MMU is the perfect place to concentrate on exploring and producing good ideas, and to broaden my approach to graphic design. Like many people my age, I am comfortable and competent with digital media. However, I want to improve the quality of my thinking and my ability to experiment through a wide range of media. The BA course structure and content sound attractive and exciting and fits my idea of what a graphics degree should be.
I think I have developed a good eye and the ability to look beyond the surface to question a design’s purpose, and to ask whether or not the intended message is delivered well. I also think that I don’t have one style that I conform to, which means I am able to meet briefs in a versatile way that respects the subject or context.
At the moment I am very involved in an ongoing personal project involving music, design and publishing. We are about to publish Issue No.1 of our ‘urban culture’ magazine ‘Blast’, and have several multi-media additions to the project in development. This has been a really valuable experience, and I look forward to the next phases of it.